Privacy & Security

Privacy policy

Who are we?

This website has been established by Adra (AI, Data and Robotics asbl) that is therefore responsible for the privacy policy described below.


Adra is committed to data security and the fair and transparent processing of personal data. Our Data privacy policy describes how we will treat the personal data which you provide to us in compliance with applicable data protection law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).

What Personal Data do we collect and how?

We collect your personal data if you:

Visit our Website, our Web server makes a temporary record of each access and stores it in a log file. The following data is recorded, and stored until an automatic deletion date:

  • Technical information about IP address of the requesting processor, Date and time of access, Name and URL of the downloaded file, Volume of data transmitted, Indication whether download was successful, Data identifying the browser software and operating system, Web site from which our site was accessed, Name of your Internet service provider.
  • Information about pages you visited in our Website, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

The purpose of recording these data is to allow use of the Web site (connection setup), for system security, for technical administration of the network infrastructure and in order to optimize our Internet service. The IP address is only evaluated in event of fraudulent access to our network infrastructure. Page views and downloads are only used for internal statistical information of our communication channels performance.

Register to any of our events, we collect information about your name, working email address, job position, organization and organisation profile, city and country. The information collected is only used for the specific event communications and statistics and we will ask for your explicit consent to use your data for any other purpose (mainly for communications activities).

Sensitive personal data

Adra does not collect sensitive personal data from you. In case a specific event or situation would require us to do so (e.g. security check in event registration where ID number, date of birth or similar might be requested) we will only do so on the basis of your explicit consent and specific data privacy information.

Who do we share your personal data with?

Adra is supported by the Adra Office, distributed office with in-kind resources from Inria, BDVA/DAIRO and University of Twente. These are the only third parties that will have systematic access to your personal data to be used only for the purposes stated above. We don’t share your personal data with any other third parties unless you give us specific consent to do so. All use of your personal data is confined to the purposes stated above and is only undertaken to the extent necessary for these purposes.

Your data is not disclosed to third parties systematically. Personal data, excepting personal and organizational names, will not be transferred to government bodies or public authorities except in order to comply with mandatory national legislation or if the transfer of such data should be necessary in order to take legal action in cases of fraudulent access to our network infrastructure. Personal data will not be transferred to third parties for any other purpose.

Links to Web sites operated by other providers:

Our Web pages may contain links to other providers’ Web pages. We would like to point out that this statement of data protection conditions applies exclusively to the Web pages managed by Adra. We have no way of influencing the practices of other providers with respect to data protection, nor do we carry out any checks to ensure that they conform with the relevant legislation.

Your Rights to your personal information access, modification and deletion.

You have a legal right to inspect any stored data concerning your person, and also the right to demand their correction or deletion, and to withdraw your consent for their further use. If you wish to obtain information on your personal data, or want us to correct or erase such data, or if you have any other questions concerning the use of personal data held by us, please contact:


You can always contact us for questions, concerns or to inspect your personal data at:

Changes to our Policy

Any changes we may make to our Policy in the future will be posted on this page. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Policy.

Data Privacy Policy Version 1, 26 July 2021