Legal notes

Legal notes

This website has been established by Adra:

The AI, Data and Robotics Association (Adra)
ASBL non-profit association
Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80
1030 Schaerbeek Belgium
VAT 0768.619.684

Please read these terms and conditions which govern your use of this site and its contents before proceeding any further. By consulting the pages of the site, you agree to observe these conditions. Reference below to “We/our/us” are to AI, Data and Robotics asbl non-profit association registered in Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80 1030 Schaerbeek Belgium

  • This site as well as all information and documents which it contains (texts, images, photographs, etc) are protected by the laws on intellectual property and the legislation relating to copyright, database rights, trade marks and patents in all countries. You commit to comply with these laws. All reproduction rights, rights of communication to the public, rights of adaptation, rights of distribution or re-broadcasting, via Internet, an internal network or any other means, are strictly reserved to us for all countries. The documents on this website and the associated know-how are our exclusive property. Any violation can lead to civil proceedings or penal prosecutions.
  • You may not copy any part of the site unless the site contains an express invitation or permission for you to do so.
    You may not make available on any other website the contents of this website. You may not use the trademark, logo, lay-out, domain name or any other protected item excepted as expressly permitted.
  • In no event shall we, our officers, agents or employees be liable for any special, indirect, consequential or purely economic loss whatsoever, regardless of whether such losses are foreseeable or whether or not caused by negligence or arising out of or in connection with the use of the site, except that nothing contained in these terms and conditions shall limit our liability for loss or damage arising out of personal injury, death or acts of fraud.
  • An access procedure to any personal area in the site can be set up. You commit to respect it and follow the indications given. You accept that the identification information that you transmit to us in order to allow us to identify you is stored, with due respect of the legislation on the protection of personal data.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions. Such changes will be posted on the site and it is your responsibility to verify whether any changes have been posted. Changes will take effect 3 days after being posted and you will be deemed to have accepted such changes if you continue to access the site thereafter.
  • The invalidity or unenforceable for any reason of any part of these terms and conditions will not prejudice or affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder.
  • These terms and conditions shall be governed by, interpreted and construed in accordance with Belgium law only and any and all claims or disputes arising out of or in connection with them shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Belgium Courts having jurisdiction on our registered office.