Prof. Petri Myllymaki joins High-level United Nations Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Petri Myllymaki joins High-level United Nations Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence

We're excited to announce that Prof. Petri Myllymaki, member of the Adra Board of Directors, has been appointed as one of the members of the United Nations’ High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence. Comprising 38 top experts from various disciplines around the world, this multi-stakeholder body is an initiative managed by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres to shape the future of AI governance at the international level.

The Advisory Body represents a wide array of stakeholders, including experts from government, the private sector, and civil society aiming to cultivate a global approach to AI governance that encompasses diverse
perspectives, aligns with human rights principles, and advances the Sustainable Development Goals.
We look forward to seeing the positive impact of Petri's expertise on the international governance of AI.